I release my fears. I choose love. I choose myself first. I live in my true power. I believe in magic. I have always had my voice inside me all along. I trust my intuition.
I gave up on myself. I decided that I was not good enough. I created a life around me that reinforced that belief. I decided that an “easy and safe” life was what I deserved. I chose to rely on others around me too much for everything. I did not believe that I had it in me to do amazing things. I denied my innate gifts. I gave my power to others. I blamed everyone else. I avoided and numbed. I slowly killed my spirit.
In 2020, I was forced awake. Then I realized I had actual choices. I decided again. I had two choices – stay on the same path OR do something different. I chose differently. And NOW I am coming out on the other side. This is my journey that I am choosing to declare. I am manifesting my most beautiful life. Thank you universe for providing me with the opportunity, the resources, and the support. I trust and know I am exactly where I need to be. I am enough.